About ADHD
Mental-Health and Stress Management
People with ADHD may feel a heightened level of stress due to more difficulties regulating emotions and negative reactions. Small stressors such as missing deadlines or forgetting appointments may compound into unhealthy levels of stress and anxiety. However, with more awareness on your emotions and utilization of available resources, sources of stress and anxiety may be able to be reframed and reduced.
*For more information on additional coping mechanisms and stress management for people with ADHD, please refer to the Patient Toolkit.
Patient with ADHD
Act as support at home
Major player in behavioural modification practice
Maintain clear communication with teachers and understand children’s learning progress
Develop trust with children to strengthen relationships for mental/ emotional support
Act as support at school
Supports students with ADHD in mediating social interactions with their peers
Providing an environment that supports education in students with ADHD by utilising specific tools and techniques in teaching
Help manage students with ADHD outside home settings
Social Workers
Mediator for families, teachers, and people with ADHD
Act as a bridge for providing resources such as government and NGO support; assist in providing referrals for medical and clinical support
Patient develops trust with social workers as reliable figures and can confide in them