About ADHD
Students with ADHD may exhibit symptoms that influence their learning performance and discipline in school. Support should be offered to manage their difficulties and potentially prevent impacts on peers and teachers.
These are some possible scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Student with ADHD may continuously ask their teacher to repeat instructions which can affect lesson progress
Association with ADHD:
Short sustained attention and weak working memory due to ADHD
Scenario 2:
Student with ADHD may have record of late / incomplete assignment submission and fail to find groupmates for projects
Association with ADHD:
Disorganization and social challenges due to ADHD
Scenario 3:
Student with ADHD may easily get into conflict with peers and can distract others in class during lessons
Association with ADHD:
Impulsiveness and restlessness due to ADHD
While teachers are not expected to intensively train up a student’s attention level or impulse control, teachers can support students in reaching their learning goals. Most of the strategies provided below are applicable and beneficial to the entire class. To ensure the effectiveness of a strategy and to select the appropriate strategy, we should first identify the issues accurately i.e. the cause of problematic behaviours. The Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence (ABC) chart of Functional Behavioural Assessment (FBA) may help you find out the underlying reasons behind certain behaviours! (Please refer to the Teacher toolkit for more details)